photos by Joy Reynolds

Found in the zócalo in Oaxaca, Mexico

looking for treasure on Corpus Christi bay

Hermann Park, Houston

A new lizard surveys his territory on our patio.

Found in a nursery in Florida

big Florida bug

at the beach in south Texas

local Texas duck doing his French impression

at the nursery

Found in Oaxaca, Mexico

prolific ducks at the apartment pond

Hermann Park, Houston

flowers in the median of our street

trees lining Lexington Avenue

Found at a Florida nursery

Hermann Park, Houston

Mike Burnett's garden, Houston

What goes on at Brazos Bend State Park, Texas

Found in downtown Houston

Found in the botanical garden, Corpus Christi Texas Is that a duck head in there?

Hermann Park, Houston Does someone paint these such pretty colors?

A short drive from our house in Sugar Land Texas

San Luis Pass, Texas

Found at Mike Burnett's house, Houston
© 2008 Joy Reynolds
Valerie: Great photos. Really great!!!!!
Love the lizard and the Texas Duck doing French impression.
Keep them coming.
They are so beautiful. I may want to order the Stillness picture.
Good eye, great textures.
Terri: Great pics! I love the way she did the birds, a day at the beach, a close look...etc.
Carolyn: Interesting shots, Joy!
My favorites are the caladium topography (what a cool name) it looks like a gorgeous painting.
And the ruffled feathers--it makes me smile and smile. If I were a bird I would look just like that fairly often.
You must have done some computer magic on the black bird.
Go Joy--must be fulfilling to be capturing some remarkable images.